Hello! ¡Hola! こんにちは!你好!

A publicist, a polyglot, a world traveler, a Boston University alum, a University of Southern California alum, and more.

I do the opposite of what I am told because I break molds and boundaries.

Allergic to horses, but is an equestrian

I am allergic to horses, hay, dust, pollen, grass, and more. But that never stopped me from my love for horses. If anything, wearing masks while grooming my horse helped me prepare for the pandemic!

Should be a chef like her dad, but is a baker

I got my cooking skills from watching my dad cook since a young age, but I have a sweet tooth and will eat dessert before my meal. My best recipes are Russian Tea Cakes and Basque Burnt Cheesecake.

Wanted to be a dermatologist, but is a publicist

To be more specific, I wanted to be a pediatrician that specializes in dermatology because I love kids and want to find a cure for eczema. However, dreams change but I still want to advocate for eczema!

The Bay Area is where I was born and raised. Boston was my home for a few years until the pandemic hit. Tokyo is my vacation home. And now, I call Los Angeles my new home. Where will life take me next?